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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura


The Master's degree thesis (12 CFU) is preferably individual and consists in a discourse, held in front of a commission nominated by the study course, that illustrates an original work done in the field of design and concerns the elaboration and discussion of a design experience, critically developed and analysed in depth, concerning a specific topic previously agreed upon with a professor who assumes the responsibility as a supervisor of the thesis.

Requirements for the thesis include: the thesis report, 10 panels in format A0, a plastic model, a synthetic presentation of the report in slides to project during the discussion of the thesis. In case of multiple authorship the supervisor must decide on the extension of the presentation and which part is to be assigned to each student.

The thesis may be developed in a non design topic if it is preliminary approved by the Didactic Committee after an illustration and motivation presented by the supervisor.Students majoring in iCAD- International Course of Architectural Design must present the discussion in English.

The evaluation of the thesis regards:

- The weighted average value, expressed in hundred tenths, of the grades;
- The judgment of the final requirement, related to the preparation of the discussion and the quality of the design and its presentation, expressed with an evaluation from 0 to 8 points.


last update: 18-July-2016
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