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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura

After the Master

Orientation and Job Placement

The service Orientation and Job Placement (OJP) offers to the students and graduates information and assistance in the formation of their own professional identity and planning the future career.

State Exams

The State Exams are held twice a year on the same day for all over the regions in the Universities annually choosed by Ministry of Education, Universtiy and Research. 


Is a database which receives the documentation of the graduates of all universities belonging to Association Almalaurea. This database aims to facilitate: the research of new employments by the companies, the access of graduates to job opportunities, as well as to minimize the time lost in meeting  labour supply and demand.


Is a post-graduate degree organized in scientific and high order courses, following graduation with a Bachelor's degree. (Master 1° level)

Specialization schools

Specialization schools offer the chance for graduates to specialize in specific fields of their profession. These courses are organized by the university and have a minimum duration of two years with compulsory attendance. To those who pass the final exam will be awarded a Specialist Diploma.

Post-graduate Admnistrative Secretariat

The Secretariat deals with all the administrative practices concerning the academic career of students enrolled in Post-graduate courses.

Post-graduate courses

Post-graduate courses represent a possible route for in-depth study and for keeping up to date in a specific discipline.

Doctorate Doctoral study is the third cycle of education as established by Italian academic regulations, aimed to help students acquire the skills necessary in conducting research.
Access to these courses requires the participation in a competition through exams.

last update: 03-Feb-2016
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